
Technovera works in a way to implement agile methodologies to meet the demands of the current business trends, aligned with IT strategies.

We bridge the gap between your business and technologies by adopting the latest IT terminologies, focusing on creating value for your business.

Technovera is specialized in offering well-defined product solutions that signify your business with ease of using applications that can transform to the next level.

Technovera provides unique product solutions for businesses by adopting technology efficiency to derive better insights and leading to productive end-results. Our IT consulting services offer a full range of product solutions to determine the landscape of dynamic experience for the users that define objectives and goals. The solution we offered develops key IT strategies, technological implementation, and re-aligning your existing application to a newer version.

Our Solution Helps Augmenting Your Business

Technovera’s expertise is our strength that defines our capabilities in creating crisp opportunities to elevate for a competitive advantage. We leverage our potentials by providing you with top-notch product solutions.

Technovera is expertise in various industry-specific domains and works on providing the best IT product solutions in Banking & Finance, Healthcare, eCommerce, Retail, Logistics, Hospitality, etc. With our best IT strategies, we develop, execute, and manage products to meet their revenues leading to profitable growth.

Technologies & Applications

Our product development strategies we provide for our customers is based on our high technology capabilities and implementations – Java, .Net, PHP, Windows Apps, integration with various application such as BigData, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, IoT, Business Intelligence, DevOps, and Application Development.

Big Data Solutions For eCommerce Business

Technovera provides effective Big Data solutions in eCommerce to develop personalized experience and improvising exponential growth for online retailers to create a better shopping experience. We visualize the predictable trends, analyze challenges, and implement the best strategies for eCommerce platforms to have better sales. It is crucial for the eCommerce business to scale up for data-driven efficiency, improvising shopping analysis, predictive algorithms, personalized user experience, and generate more sales.

eCommerce industry is integrated with features of massive data to enhance predictive analysis and forecast online sales trends based on current customer behavior patterns.   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions in Banking & Finance

Technovera offers AI solutions in Banking & Finance sectors to enhance the real-time banking experience. It enables banking & finance to strengthen its competitiveness by understanding customer behaviour, adding personalized experience, and customizing banking & financial products. It helps customers to perform a smart way of transactions, increase flexibility in assessing cash flow and examine types of accounts. AI in banking & finance is powered up with efficient solutions like fraud recognition and real-time scam solutions, and data to identify authenticated systems.

With constant real-time predictive analysis, it helps in enabling customer data, integrating analytics to scale up workflow, and allowing to monitor user behaviour. AI-driven solutions feature to process huge amounts of data, identify and analyze risks, provide strategic solutions to evaluate risk compliance.

AI is packed to strengthen compliance features, digitize paper documents, a vast collection of database documents, prediction analysis to track transaction history and credit scores.

Automation Solutions in Healthcare Industry

Technovera provides relevant Automated solutions for the healthcare sector that helps in increase predictive outcomes, enabling digital transformation in healthcare sectors, and understanding day-to-day patterns of the patients’ needs. We identify appropriate solutions, minimize manual tasks, and moving to a more dynamic digital format through our robust process automation. Hospitals can also enhance better clinical precession, increases patient productivity, and improve patient satisfaction.

Automated appointment scheduling is the best example that works with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) that analyzes scheduling the best convenient time, slots availability, preferred doctors, automated notifications for the patients to re-schedule/cancel appointments, or when the doctor is performing the surgery. Real-time medical data is available with integrated widgets.

Freight Tracking Management with IoT

Top priority of the logistics and supply chain companies is to execute effective solutions for tacking vehicles through tracking system for airline or ship transports and tracking vehicle in trucks by road. With effective IoT solutions, logistics and supply companies can track the route, provide accurate routes to reach destinations, enhance constant communication, and monitor freight/vehicle location via GPS. Real-time data is gather to analyze tracking systems using IT technologies and applications.

It revolutionize the logistics and supply chain sectors to forecast authentication, inventory tracking and warehousing to authenticate products and shipments.

Business Intelligence in Restaurant

We provide Business Intelligence solutions for Restaurant Industry using analytics software to monitor quality standards, aggregate and visualize restaurant data, and provide more actionable insights to enhance restaurant performance.  Business intelligence solutions enable the restaurant to better reporting, minimize overhead cost, and inventory control to fetch smarter decisions.

A restaurant can conduct day-to-day decisions through real-time dashboards, performance analytics, and forecasting sales, generate location overview and monitor real-time data access.

DevOps in Retail Industry

Technovera offers DevOps solutions in the retail industry that transforms into a competitive edge by accelerating CI/CD implementation, software fixtures, finding newness to fixes and updates. The retail industry is revolutionized with project visibility and integration flow through collaboration, automation, and innovation.

By aligning development (Dev) and operations (Ops), we accelerate IT software features, perform fixes and updates, and understand business objectives.

Implementation of the DevOps in the retail industry helps to maximize faster solutions, increase efficiency, improves performance, leverage customer behaviour, and enhances the digital transformation journey.

Application Development in Healthcare

Technovera offers the best healthcare application development solutions. It helps users to seamlessly manage their medical conditions, insurance claims, hospital visits, etc. A customized healthcare application organized healthcare digitally for hospitals, clinics, labs, and other healthcare providers. It improvises efficiency in patient care, builds a network among professionals, clinical assistance, patient care information, diagnosis, and appointment, and a lot more.

User-friendly healthcare apps enable the enhancement of medical app infrastructure to achieve digitally smart healthcare solutions. With ease of use and high scalability, intended for quality healthcare solutions.

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